Category: Current Projects

Infrared Multi-Camera Pilotage System

ReliaSolve is a subcontractor to a University of Arizona project to develop a proof-of-concept multi-camera infrared system for use in night flight by helicopter pilots. The 21-camera system will provide an aligned and stitched view during flight with synchronized and aligned display on one or more monitors or head-mounted displays. ReliaSolve is implementing the data-transmission, […]

Redbud Labs: Instrumentation

ReliaSolve is working with Redbud Labs to help them develop their NAxtract single-button microfluidic nucleic acid extraction instrument. ReliaSolve extended the LEWOS real-time microcontroller protocol developed at UNC to work on this UI microcontroller + control microcontroller system, wrapping it in Python to enable flexible logic flow coupled to real-time multithreaded C++ timing to enable […]


ReliaSolve is working with the Dave and Jane Richardson laboratory as part of a supplemental NIH award to upgrade their MolProbity system. MolProbity’s protein model validation has a huge user base consisting of most of the structural biologists worldwide, is a part of most model-building and refinement software systems, and is central to model validation […]